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University Health Services

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Basic Needs Resource Center

We know students struggle when basic needs aren't met.
A large population of college students stress about finding their next meal, a place to sleep, or keeping up with hygiene needs. If this is you, you’re not alone. OSU has a wide range of partnerships, pantries, and resources to help students meet their basic needs.

Student wellness

College can be stressful, but you’re not alone.
Whether it’s mental or physical health, we have resources at the ready to tackle topics like stress management, sleep, substance abuse, and sexual health, just to name a few. 

Student support

From reporting concerns to supporting fellow students.
Student Support & Conduct serves students experiencing challenges through a holistic approach of providing support services, administering the student conduct process, and addressing and preventing sexual violence.

Supporting students in distress

If you see something, say something.
Student Support & Conduct provides support services to students who are experiencing challenges that include but not limited to mental health and medical, relational conflicts, trauma, addiction and recovery, social adjustments, and/or difficulties with transition to college.

Student care report

Anyone can submit a report outlining their concern for a student.
This form is for NON-EMERGENCIES. Reporting a concern about a current student should only include objective, observable and factual information.